99 bottles of beer on the wall... er umm bottle openers (rated PG-13) Censorship sucks

I see the black but not seeing any white… more of a black and brown if you ask me

If you look close I carved lines for the heels and also have a piece of mesh I was planning on trying to get a fishnet finish with when spraying. Did not even consider the laser but might be an easier way to do it lol

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individual or in packs?

What did you do about the snipe are the end of the boards from the planer?

noted. i’m torn between there and ebay. 10 pack for about $12

i’ve been wanting to try my hand at these, but have had too much in the garage with finished drying and have needed a relatively dust free environment for a while now. how deep are you carving? bit sizes and feeds, too?

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Very nice, Phil. Do you do a sanding then finish on top of the burnished surface?

@NicShimala you need to adjust some things on your in and out feed tables to minimize snipe. Youtube has plenty of videos on different techniques to eliminate snipe.

I assume i’d have to do a specific search for my brand and model to make it effective? right now, i get a really bad 6-7" length of snipe.

I love making bottle openers too! Here are a few of the ones I’ve made for family and friends!


the license plate catchers are a nice touch

@NicShimala if you are getting 6-7" of snipe its because your board is not supported. Your in and out feed tables are not level to the bed. Your model doesn’t matter, all the tips work the same because any of the lunch box style planers can cause major snipe. It took me a bit to get used to going from a 36" industrial planer years ago with 2’ in and out feed tables to a 12" dewalt with 18" tables.

I got a nice 13" Ridgid planer and I get very little snipe at all. I notice some small things every now and then, but I ignore it because they are only chicken coop signs after all. I’m gonna place the beer signs I make in the chicken coop sign category. Men drinking beer shouldn’t worry or care about snipe. However, I am gonna build a planer sled in a few weeks for my really nice stuff.

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Carve it!

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Anyone use magnets on the back to catch the bottle cap? I’d rather do that than use a little catch box on the bottom. I can’t find a magnet strong enough, ordered some rare earth discs and have 2 glued in. Hopefully that works, waiting on the glue to dry now.

Any old computer hard drives laying around? Those magnets inside them are the strongest thing I have ever played with! I hold heavy things to metal shelving in my garage and have used a couple as fridge magnets for heavy things on the side of the fridge

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I’ve been looking into that as well. N52 magnets seem to be the most commonly used, but they’re about $10 each for a decent size

@NicShimala that’s the type I have. I paid $8 for 6 that are 1.26" diameter and 1/8" thick. Ended up just using two of them and it works. One magnet just wasn’t catching them, and thicker magnets make the overall cost more. Using two of the thin magnets keeps overall cost low for me, so I’ll just do that.

Think that will work? How much face material did you leave after recessing the magnets in the back?

I think I left about .4" between the face and the magnet. It was just the first test with these new magnets. I’m going to probably leave about .2" on the next one I’m making for a friend.
