Been reading through the forums and building for 2 weeks finally up now to get running right.
Problem: When I turn on the power supply cooling fan runs high low , high low (RPMs) and the Z axis motor makes a whiny sound. I detached the belt on the Z motor to see if it was a tension issue but still makes the same sound.
Here is my setup
1000 X carve
I am running the dewalt spindle so I did not hook up the spindle control.
Did not set the motor current.
Downloaded the arduino driver for windows and found the driver
Double checked all the wiring
Searching this forum is massive so please if you have run into this let me know, I am standing by.
Mine was doing something similar, ended up not liking the USB port for some reason. Moved it over one and it is fine. Could also check to make sure that everything is seated properly inside the controller.
Use one to check voltage at the power out to the fan. I did when I had problems at first set up and got a constant 24.26v so could rule that out as a problem.
It’s also a good excuse to get a multimeter if you don’t already have one.
Inventables shipped a new one to me in the UK and it arrived in 3 business days. All works well now (except for the limit switches (and who needs them?)).
Ok the noise on the Z it is barley audible but with the belt loosened I cannot turn it in either direction once it is powered on making me think it is engaged somehow
Thanks Phil, I did not touch the potentiometers yet. I can clean up that wire lead but made sure it is not touching anything. At this point I dont even know if the software is connecting in order to set the motor current as I stopped everything when I heard the strange fan RPM
Yes Phil the gshield and arduino are connected
No on the power supply, disconnected it from the gshield and it ran fine
Moved it up off the carpet onto a mouse pad same results
Larry, I feel like such a noob, you are right - I fixed it and no more noise in the x motor! however
still have the fan ramping up and down in RPMs is this normal?