What is the least amount that you would take for this ? I usually do not haggle people on their prices ,as the reason for me asking is that I am not trying to be cheap.I am just trying to get a decent cnc machine for my kids to teach them something other than a tablet or games and also help for robotics class I mentor for . I have a load delivery to NY,NY later this week so a pickup is possible .Thank you for your time, Christopher C
I’d take $1600 considering the 12 hour assembly time plus the dust boot cost over $100 which you definitely need to cut and not breath dust constantly. Let me know,
Do you still have the x carve? I’ve seen several on here as you describe yours selling for between $1,-$1,200. I would be willing to pay this for yours. please let me know
I’d like to know a little more about it before I make a solid offer. Like how many hours on mahcine? an xtras such as bits, 1/8" collet, waste board and side board, or any other add ons that I don’t know about. I just mapped it, it is approximately a 4 1/2 hr drive each way for me plus fuel to consider. Also, do you have any pics? Thanks for your time