Could you share what version of UGS is causing trouble? v1.0.9 is over a year old and there are lots of improvements and bugfixes since then (critical bugs are often fixed within a week of being reported to the project on GitHub). It’s my fault for not having frequent enough point releases, but I don’t get paid for this work so I spend most of my time on the “fun stuff”.
There is a feature in the nightly build to “jiggles” the mouse every minute or so when a job is running to prevent the computer from going to sleep for those jobs where you say “oh, this is a quick one, I wont bother plugging in the laptop!”
You’re doing great. We have to thank you for all you did for us.
Some how 2.0 nightly build didn’t work for me, but I have no problem with 1.0.9 what so ever. I learned operating CNC Router with your program.
My X-Carve on UGS 1.0.9, other CNC Router I have running with NC Studio 5.5.60 . My day running smooth with no problems.
Big thanks again.
Many of you speak of UGS with an occasional reference to Mac or PC. Where are people seeing the most problems with UGS; on a Mac or PC? It would be helpful to always indicate which platform you’re running. I will be using a Mac when my XC arrives so I’m reading tons to educate myself in advance. I’d like to pick the software that’ll give me the least headaches.
And for those on a Mac… there’s an app I use called Caffeine ( that keeps my system from sleeping. Regardless of settings, just click the icon in the task bar and it never sleeps. There are others in the App Store as well, but I use this one. I’m sure there’s an equivalent for PCs.
I just tried the latest build , with some guide exported by the Halftoner app and I got a "invalid code " error or something close to that when I tried to load the file , I’m not sure what that means , but the old version works fine with half one g code. I do like the new interface tho !!!
Yep, but I don’t want to open prefs and modify those settings every time to prevent sleeping. I can just click once on the running icon in my task bar to enable sleepless mode; once again to turn it off and use normal settings allowing sleeping. Convenient.
Thanks for giving it a second chance @FabianSubia, I think what you’re seeing might be the automatic job pausing that happens on an error. This was added based on some new behavior in GRBL where partial lines are no longer processed. I added a section in the documentation about it, does this look like what you saw?
@PhilJohnson Yes, I’m the creator of UGS. I would say v1.0.9 is the most stable at any given time. However, when the nightly build is in a good state (which is usually), it should also be perfectly reliable. Occasionally I make a mistake and break the nightly build, there are a handful of early adopters who usually let me know about it within a few days (or hours). People like you use UGS MUCH more than I do, because of that you’re also much more likely to find problems - please report them!
Now, if you’re sending large files (>10-20MB), the Nightly Build is going to be far more stable because of the memory optimizations that are in it. When running v1.0.9 and earlier the console log eventually eats up enough memory that Java runs out which leads to things slowing down and eventually stopping altogether.
Thanks for spending time on a free product. It is greatly appreciated. I have a 1000mmwith a dewalt 611 using a cheap laptop I bought a few years ago. So it’s not new, but it not ancient. Running Win 10, 64 bit.
I ran HalfTone and UGS 1.9. The first time I tried, it seemed to be carving, but very small. I decided that I had created the gcode in inches and UGS was working in mm. So I tried again. This time, I save the gcode in mm. This seemed to work and it began carving, but about 1/4 inch in the air. I had zeroed it at right on the work surface.So I tried again, after messing with the zero reset. This time, when it started, it went straight into the wood and all the way down into the wasteboard. Made a nice clean hole though!
I went back and read through the forums and decided to try the platform version. I downloaded it and tried to run the 64 bit version but it got an error. So I tried the other version and it worked. I loaded my gcode and it worked the first try. I have cut 3 images now and all of them had 'start up ’ issues. I have to trial and error to get the z axis right. It always starts way deep or above the wood. I usually get it after a few tries.
Thanks to Halftone and UGS for great products. I’ve been doing software development for 30+ years. I have supported free open source software before. It can be a lot of hours of thankless, unpaid work. You are my heroes.
I’ve been trying to carve a 10 inch x 16 3D sign. UGS gets very jittery then stops after 5 minutes or so. I have carved smaller stuff successfully, 10X10 or so. I use a windows laptop. Should UGS be able to run largish files without issues? Is this issue from the relatively small memory of a laptop? Finally, is this from something I’m doing wrong? I’m disigning the sign with Vectric Aspire.
Thanks, Dan