I have worked in the printing industry for almost 30 years as a die maker making the dreams and ideas of graphic designers work. I did not take it that way either, he is asking for some help… I am completely disgusted and it makes me not even want me to be a part of this forum. If I gave a nickel for every time I mentored a fellow wood worker or fixed a die line to make someone’s idea a reality I could probably retire. All I can say is wow, give the guy a break and help him not scold him. Well said Kalvin.
Thanks for the link!
This is exactly what I am looking for! Thanks!
As the original author of this post -
I see how my original request may have been perceived poorly and I apologize for the phrasing.
Thanks to @Mike for the help. He has been generous with his time and knowledge.
I would like to request an end to the debate. I understand both sides of this issue. I agree that intellectual property must be protected if that is the creator’s desire. I appreciate the generosity of those that are willing to share their creations.
This forum is a great community and I feel guilty that I have caused (however inadvertently) unrest here. Let’s all move on.
I agree to your comments, except for one. There is absolutely nothing here that you should feel guilty about. You did Nothing wrong, directly or indirectly.
Happy Carving.
I completely agree. We’ve go help sections, project sections, etc., where people come to first for whatever help they need with projects or their machines. I think there’s nothing wrong with looking to others for help or files. If you don’t want to help, I guess that’s your choice. I don’t think people here need to be scolded for asking a group (not even a single person directly) for that help. If you’re a graphic designer or whatever, that’s great for you. Others aren’t in that position and either need help or don’t want help, but rather just a file to go from and have no interest in learning. That’s their choice. This is like someone’s car broke down on the side of the road and a mechanic stopping only to scold them for not knowing how to fix it and then driving away. I think if you don’t want to help, just keep on driving.
Simple bowls can be made in easel. Here is a sample of a simple two compartment bowl it really takes no time for the simple stuff then work your way up as you learn more.
Hard to believe everyone’s so upset about something as trivial as a tray.
You can’t ask a graphic designer to make a tray svg for you. It’s just not done. Anyone else with no training and no skill can probably do it, but its an insult to their training and craftsmanship.
No disrespect to those that are trained and experienced graphic designers, but I spent many years in the military. In every job I ever had, I was training someone to eventually replace me. I think that passing along the knowledge that I have gained was the most enjoyable part of the job, well, except for blowing stuff up that is. My point is that those of us that have skills have an obligation to train those that do not. I’m not saying a graphic designer should “give” a design to a novice, but instead of feeling insulted and chastising the person asking for help, feel honored that you were sought out to begin with, and then start training that person so that they can do things on their own.
again, the original question has virtually NOTHING to do with graphic design.
Its like asking a bestselling writer to note down a phone number and him replying he wouldn’t want to share his writing skills for free
That’s kinda where I’m at. Most designers, including myself, will spend hours helping someone learn the tools of the craft so they can create their own vision. We don’t however like to give our product away (however simple it may be.)
An obligation…oh boy, don’t get me started on that one…lol.
Seriously, guys!
Unless you have a neat tray design you WANT to share here: Projects | Inventables,
This is great! Thanks @GlennMDutcher
I also work in the IT industry. Specifically in network security for the DoD. I was in the Apple Store a few weeks ago while they were holding a class for newbies. I heard one of the students ask about viruses and other malware. The instructor actually told him that Apple computers were not subject to viruses or malware and that the Apple Cloud was totally secure. I waited until the class was over, the. Took the instructor aside and explained to him that he had just given incorrect information to a newbie. I gave him my business card, with all the alphabet soup that comes after my name, showing my credentials. I explained that he really needs to modify his lecture to correct that impression. I also asked that he reach out to those students and correct the misinformation that he gave them. I did this as a professional, but not as something I expected to get paid for. I did it so correct knowledge could be passed on to new users. That is what professionals do. The same should hold true here. Pay it forward.
I’m curious how many graphic designers came here for help with assembly or machine issues from those of us who knew better about machinery and cnc. Lets not forget the X-carve is not a professional class machine, so If you’re here you’re here to learn and share. If you are against sharing either don’t ask for help or at the least If you have nothing nice to say to someone, say nothing. I have learned a lot and taught or helped a lot on this forum and to ridicule another beginner is disgusting, the gentleman was unaware of the project section and was pointed in the right direction. Looking at others work is one of the best and easiest way to learn. #Make #Share #BeNice
It seems like a lot of people are starting to pile on now, perhaps without having read the whole thread. It’s gone beyond discussion and it’s not productive anymore. I wonder if @Zach_Kaplan has a way of freezing this thread so that it doesn’t go any farther.
I certainly hope he can’t/doesn’t. Just because the conversation has gone somewhere that you don’t like, doesn’t mean it should be dismissed.
I’m not saying it should be dismissed. I’m saying the conversation has gone from productive discourse into people not reading the entire thread, making snap judgements that are not nuanced or savvy, then burping them into the thread under the guise of “contribution.” All it does is pile on. It’s also well past the time when the original poster politely asked to drop the subject.