I’ve done a few projects with the resin as well. It’s a great product to use!
Could someone better define - “resin”. Are we talking polyester or epoxy that you are buying at Michale’s and such.
2 part epoxy resin (from Michaels, or the pro version from West Systems)
Thanks. That’s what I was guessing. I have a quart of MAS and RAK both sitting on the shelf but try to avoid using them. I am very allergic to the stuff.
Ive used Mixol pigments in epoxy with good results.
You can use Evercoat pigment for epoxy. It’s normally found in marine stores to tint gelcoat repairs.
Great work, I am a teacher and am having kids do different projects, but I haven’t figured out the best way to inlay the color so to say. So after you carve out what you want, how do you fill just the carved area with the color and keep it from running onto the no carved area?
Thank you.
I buy the dollar store bamboo cutting boards they carve and sand so nice.
Paint the carved area with gloss or metallic acrylic paints. Then lightly sand the over paint on the boards surface with 220 grit orbital sander.
Then mix the epoxy without color pigments added. Once you clear the excess epoxy off and torch out the bubbles…wait 24 hours then sand off the excess epoxy on the boards surface and apply butcher block wax. I like the gloss look to the epoxy so I’m extra careful with not sanding the inlay area
Thank you so much. I wasn’t sure if there was another technique that I was missing.
Thanks again. Great work!