You have to set the startup blocks in grbl first. In the Do Cmd. (Do Command) window type in $N0=G20 for inches or $N0=G21 for metric, then click the Do Cmd. button.
Then type in $N1=F20 for inches per min, or $N1=F508 for mm per min. Then select the Do Cmd button. In the drop down windows for the X&Y, set the move distance value and the same for the Z axis. Select either Absolute or Incremental mode. It will then jog with the arrow keys on your keyboard for X&Y, or the arrows on the screen. For the Z axis, the Pg Up & PG Dn button keys on your keyboard or the up and down arrows on the screen. This is when using the GRBL Z code. If in GRBL PWM Code, the Z changes to a S Jog for laser power.
If using Metric, select it in the upper right on the screen.
You can set the default feedrate values to any jog feedrate you desire when PicSender connects to the com port with the $N1=F startup block command. To change the jog feedrate after connecting, use the Fx drop down menu to select the feedrate and then click on the Fx button.
The info button at bottom right gives more instructions. If you have anymore questions, please ask.
I’m trying to get vcarve pro setup to work with my xcarve. I’d like to use UGS to send the gcode. I went ahead and downloaded UGS, but I’m puzzled on how to install it or run it. Can somebody help me out with that? All I need is to understand how to launch UGS.
All you have to do is, when you install, there is a file name Start.bat. That starts your jar file. You have to have latest Java installed, and one time deal, change your comm port and speed. I think it is 11520 if I’m not mistaking. UGS is Java based program. If it doesn’t work, Java is the blame. Good luck.
Okay, here is a dumb question. If I purchase Vcarve desktop, do I still have to use Easel?
I downloaded the trial version of vacrve desktop. I tried to cut the wingspar, but when it was imported to Easel, I wasn’t able to see the 3D/ side by side version. When I cut it, it was all jacked up.
I guarantee that once you start using V-Carve, you will wish you had purchased V-Carve months ago!
The vast majority of what you are doing in F360 you will be able to do in V-carve 10 times faster. Plus with your design skills you will be able to modify a design 20 times in the time you would have spent drawing it once before.
The last time I checked you could upgrage Desktop to Pro for the difference in price. If you wanted to check out the capabilities of the program before spending all that money you could get Desktop and then upgrade to PRO.
I bought PRO with my X-carve. Inventables had a discount price if purchased with the machine.
Just my opinion save your money and get comfortable with the machine first. Easel is the meat and potatoes easy to learn and a good program to get your feet wet. then go for the free stuff (fengrave, fusion, halftoner, ect.) I use artcam, easel, and fusion equally they all have their place. artcam is great for organic shapes for my 3d wood carvings. Fusion is for more when i want to build a part or prototype something. Easel is the go to for many things and will always have a place in my shop don’t let it’s simplicity fool you plus they are always adding features to it And let us not forget vectric products although i do not use them they are akin to artcam. Unless using a laser there should be nothing to fiddle with on the arduino but if you do go for the laser I highly recommend Larry mayberry’s version of the grbl hex. These opinions are just from my own experiences and each will have their own and in time you will find what works best for you. the work you do is amazing I can’t wait to see what you will do with the xcarve in the shop.