I’m with @DarrylKegg. I would buy the XCarve again in a heartbeat and pay more for it. Competely transformed our business!
I’ve had my eye on an X-Carve for a while now and went to look at ordering one today and thought I was loosing it, I coulda sworn when I looked last week to show my wife the 1000mm full bells and whistles it was like $1180 now today it was $1550. Now I’m back to the drawing board and waiting. She thinks I was trying to get one over on her by changing the price I told her it would be. Glad I’m not the only one who saw the jump. I did benefit by finding out about the x-controller and will add that to the plan, but that’s pushing up the total some more. I’ve read about stiffining the x-axis mods, but was it mentioned above that a fix from Inventables is forthcoming? So worth a wait to purchase anyways?
Update: …unless you are insinuating mr @Zach_Kaplan with your reference to the other thread that maybe this price increase is for the updated system shown at the maker fair in May… Which I think given what the CSI:Inventables group came up with as possible explanations of updates shown in those couple photos, would defeinitly be worth the rate increase.
When I first started investigating a build-your-own CNC machine I found the Shapeoko2 and decided that’s the one I wanted but was going to wait. When I finally came back ready to buy I could only find the X-Carve and then the Shapeoko3 on some other website. Man, am I glad I waited. I felt the price (I believe I paid around $1400 for the fully loaded version plus some clamps and bits) was more than fair and would pay it again in a heartbeat. It’s a fantastic product and I can’t wait for the “secret” new components to be released.
I bought my 500x500 because it was right around $1k shipped.
Right now my brother law and I have been sharing a machine and I have been eyeballing buying my own. I’ve been waiting to see if any improvements would be announced based on the make.com article and trying to decide if it’s really worth it to get my own.
I had a full loaded system in my shopping cart minus the wasteboard and extras (bits, clamps, tools) and the price went up about $300. That makes the decision to get my own a little harder and I may look around at other options but because of the Inventables support and this forum the X-Carve automatically has a huge advantage over any other machine I would be able to find.
So at the end of the day the $300 increase hasn’t scared me away but still undecided.
I was all set to buy the smaller machine loaded with what I needed. Now I’m looking at the price and thinking otherwise. I was willing to pay the 8-900 for the machine if It meant I had to assemble it, not its looking like closer to be between 1200-1800 depending on which model I were to choose. I can drive down to my local woodworking supply store and buy an out of the box, assembled, ready to run CNC for 1600. Why would I buy one for the same price that i have to solder AND assemble? Something to think about as your prices continue to rise.
Holding tightly …
Beware of that local working supply machine, especially if it’s name has anything to do with aquatic life.
I had one of those, found the work space to be extremely small, highly proprietary architecture, very NOT open source, and the customer service leaves much to be desired.
I sold the &^$$^ing thing to buy an xcarve as soon as it became available. Knowing what I do now, I would even pay the higher price.
Because you would be getting an X-carve and even more important than that, you would be working with Inventables.
Holding tight. Im waiting to order mine until whatever is being reviled is announced, then I will order. I don’t want to spend money on a setup and have it out of date before it even arrives to my shop.
That being said, can anyone tell me why the 1m waste board is $135, and then its says $130 in shipping just for the waste board. It looks like MDF, a MDF board just under 3’x3’ is not worth $260+ dollars. IMHO
Shipping something 3’x3’ is expensive. Make your own if you’re able and save the money
ya, thats the plan, cuts into that 30% price hike.
Like any other business , Inventables needs to turn a profit.
It costs them to have the mdf machined to spec, then silkscreened, and shipped to their facility, and it isnt any lighter then than when they ship it back out.
And, like @CoreyMitchell says, shipping a 3x3 item via ups or others is costly. It takes up room on the truck and doesnt fit into the automated package handling equipment worth a crap so it needs special handling. Again, costly. All this adds up.
I give Zach and the gang alot of cred for letting us order the machine without the wasteboard. Some outfits would say you get what we have or no dice. the thing tends to get chewed up when used anyhow so making my own was a no brainer for me.
@Zach_Kaplan …still holding… any updates?
buy now its gone down
Looks like it’s back to the originally price or is it a little lower? Just need the upgrades to come out now
Thanks guys. Decided to make my order before it goes up again. Looking forward to it.
I found the assembly to be of great educational value. Not only can you operate the Xcarve, but you know how it operates
after the steps of assembly.
I have my invoice from when I pulled an inquiry for my admin. Now it’s gone up a few hundred. Slightly frustrating since now it’s out of range on the budget they’d accepted.