Phil will you be powder coating it?
I was thinking about powder coating mine gloss black.
Phil will you be powder coating it?
I was thinking about powder coating mine gloss black.
I think I’ll order it now and then anodize it this spring.
Hey Phil, how you like your z axis upgrade so far? Im thinking about buying one myself (the 6’ travel from cncnewbie1). The only thing that concerns me is changing the steps, something that Ive never done before but I figure it out eventually. Just want to know your thoughts on how well is performing on your machine. Thanks!
Changing the step/mm is straight forward, we’ll guide you
The math is simple enough:
Say your current step / mm ($102) = 40 and a 100mm jog result in a 125mm movement.
Step per mm divided by actual travel multiplied with intended travel = new $102 value
40 / 125 * 100 = 32
Numbers may vary a little, above numbers are just randomly picked.
In Easel Machine Inspector, type $102=32 and press Enter, reset controller and change is complete.
I didnt know it was that simple, thanks a lot for the info HaldorLonningdal, much appreciated. I will get on that as soon as I buy the slider!
ok, thank you Phil. Ill check that out when I get ready to do the upgrade.
So I just upgraded my X-Carve with CNC4Newbies Z-Axis Slider. So far it seems like it does everything it’s suppsoed to. Homes, moves in right direction, etc… However, when I go to carve a project, it went straight down into board. Any ideas on what I need to do? or change? Current Settings are:
$32=0 $31=0
$23=3 $22=1
$21=0 $20=0
Thanks ahead of time
You’ve got to change $102 to a new correct steps/mm. I don’t have that slider so I don’t know a good start value for you, but you should then calibrate it for your individual machine.
Thank you!! I had used a setting from CNC4Newbies and I must not have reset the machine properly or something. It’s working properly now with the new setting. Thank you so much for your help!!!
I should mention that if you ever have to rerun the Easel setup it’ll overwrite the setting for $102, so first of all make sure you keep track of what your correct value should be, and if you run Easel setup just know to go back in and change it.
Some photos of my Z slide replacement here: New Z Slide Build
I want to upgrade my Z axis and was hoping some users can help me with the best choice for
my 1000mm X carve?
I just completed my upgrade for the z axis from cncfornewbie and it takes all the chatter out while carving. The slider is top quality on the construction and finish. I had to change the grbl settings and the recommended settings from cncfornewbie were spot on. I now only need to find where I can change my microstep setting to see if that quiets the operation noticeablly. I will pursue the tall sideplates and 269oz-in stepper motors all around. I looked around but dedided to go with cncfornewbie and am glad I did. I like my x-carve even more now
Thanks for getting back to me. I’ll check them out.
I did TBDCNC’s Supergrade. They were BRUTAL to deal with, but the product is fantastic.
I did cnc4newbie square bearings and love it.
I just installed the cnc newbie 6” belt z axis upgrade today on my xcarve 1000mm. What $102 value worked for you? Sounds like I have the same setup you do. Thanks.
I have no issues and after the recommended setting changes there was no calibration needed. Highly recommend it. These are my settings: