Bit Diameter 3.00 mm
No. of flutes 3F
Spindle 16000 rpm ??
DoC 5.00 mm
WoC 0.5 mm
FR 750 mm/min
Chipload 0.01563 mm/F
Chip thick. 0.01165 mm/F
MRR 1.875 cm^3/min
I think you may be running it a little on the hard side, perhaps try to increase chipload a little (I run my 3mm at 0.025mm/F) and reduce MRR some (to about 1.0)
But any chatter will in effect increase and decrease shipload during the carve as it start to bounce about. This is where rigidity comes into play. My CNC with MDF was to flexible to handle alu with confidence, it wasn’t until I modded mine (more weight and stiffer gantry) it transitioned into much more capable. That and using 1F end mill.
Yeah I’m running everything at roughly those speeds. I would still have to do more tests though, I’m not too sure what the machine can handle, especially if the gantry is in pieces. I should have the gantry done by tomorrow or Friday. I have to take the aluminum to the fabrication shop at school for cutting, but I definitely will keep pushing the barrier! btw how is your machine designed, I would love to take a look
Well very nicely done, I like how you used linear slides for your machine, I should get some when I have the money to do so.
I’m almost finished the gantry, and well my ball screw came undone, so I had a hard time figuring how to reassemble the damn thing. I eventually got it together, but I leave 7 bearings out because it was causing the piece to hitch (not sure why). would this effect performance in a major way?